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Ultimate Steroids
version 1.0
Copyright (c) 2001, Dreamscape. All rights reserved.
Released: xx.xx.2001
For license information, look up the LICENSE.TXT!
1. Version history
2. Overview
3. Playing the game
4. The user interface (UI)
5. Menu system
6. System requirements
7. Troubleshooting
8. Credits
9. Steroids on WWW
Version history 1.
Version 1.0: - The first public release.
Overview 2.
The Ultimate Steroids is, as the original Steroids was,
an Asteroids-clone. Basically, you jump to the cockpit of
a space ship, and burst through the space shooting
space rocks, asteroids. You collect some power up-bonuses
and slowly increase your firepower. You will encounter some
hazards during your mission such as evil aliens and strange
black holes. The Ultimate Steroids is 100% freeware.
The game features OpenGL accelerated 3d graphics,
sound and music, up to 10 weapon grades and up to 22 levels.
Balanced gameplay with beautiful rendered backgrounds and
colorful 3d graphics. There is also a support for two
players, either in a co-operation or in a competition.
In addition, the competition mode allows you to set
various game play settings.
Actually, there were 20 weapon grades available at first,
but we decided to "compress" them to 10. It balances the
gameplay better.
The Ultimate Steroids includes a mod player, and a directory
called Music. There is few mods shipped with the game
(see the credits), but the main idea is that you can use
your own mods (put them to the Music folder) to be played
in the game. There is room for 128 mods, and they must
be MOD, S3M or XM. If you don't have any mods lying around,
the Mod Archive (www.modarchive.com) is a good place to
download some.
Playing the game 3.
Let's talk about the controls first.
Ultimate Steroids lets you choose from two basic input
devices, keyboard and mouse. Playing with the keyboard
is much simpler, and you should begin practising with the
keys (it's default anyway). Here's the keys:
UP arrow...............Thrust (use with caution!)
LEFT arrow.............Turn left
RIGHT arrow............Turn right
And here is some additional keys:
F1.....................Random a new music
ESC....................Quit playing (or pause)
Playing with the mouse is much harder, but it can be way
cooler too. You can't do neat 180 degree turns with the
keyboard, can you? The ship turning is achieved by
moving the mouse horizontally (sideways). The faster you
move the mouse, the faster you turn. You can thrust
by pressing the left button, and shoot by pressing the right
Tip: You shouldn't hold the thrust all the time, instead,
use smaller "spreads" to handle the movement better.
Sometimes the game may feel rather hard. That's because
this game is based very much on randomness, ensuring that
each play is different. So if you get frustrated, try again
with easier difficulty level (or press Quit..)
If you have ever played the original Steroids, you would
probably keep the Shoot-button pressed down all the time, right?
Wrong! The Ultimate Steroids introduces a thing called
"battery". The battery is like an energy of your weapons;
when you shoot, it reduces the battery energy. When you stop
shooting, they slowly starts to recharge again. The more you
have battery energy left, the more you can unleash firepower.
Simple but effective way to make the game more interesting.
But how can you know how much you have the battery energy left?
That's what we're going to discuss next.
The user interface (UI) 4.
At the top-left corner of the screen you see the "info area"
of green player (#1). As you can quess, the top-right corner
holds the red player (#2) info area (only visible in two player
At the top, you see the players current scores.
Below the scores, you can see a green/red rectangle with
little ship images on it. The rectangle is a health amount,
and the ship images are the lifes. If you have 2 lifes left,
for example, you will see 2 ship images.
Below the health, you see a orange bar describing the
battery energy you have currently.
At the bottom-left corner you can see the elapsed play time,
or the time left when you're competing. And finally at the
bottom of the screen, you will see some messages during
the play, such as what bonus you just picked up, etc..
Menu system 5.
When you start the game, after a while you'll find
yourself from the "Main menu".
You can navigate in the menus with keyboard arrow keys.
A command surrounded by < and > is a "slider". You can
use the sidearrows to change the value.
Let's take a look what these commands do:
"Single player":
Begin a single player game.
"Two players":
Begin a two players game. You have two
options: a co-operation and a competition.
When co-operating, the both players collect common
scores. At the end, the both scores will be added
together. Note, that in co-operation the players
will die simultaneusly. Co-operation features a high
score list.
In competition, the player who gets the better score
wins the round, unless he/she's dead. If the winner is dead,
the other player wins. I suggest you to try the both modes.
Before you can start a competition, you must set the
follwing options.
"< Play time >":
Set the allowed play time in minutes.
"< Weapon grade >":
Set the starting weapon grade.
"< Life amount >":
Set the amount of lifes at the start.
"< Best out of >":
The whole competition will last this amount
of rounds. The player who has won the most
of the rounds, will win.
Starts the competition.
Return to the "Main menu".
Lets you set various gameplay options.
By default, player #1 plays with keys and
player #2 with the mouse. This enables you
to swap the controllers, so you can use the
mouse in single player game.
"< Sound volume >"
"< Music volume >":
Set the volume of sounds and music. Displayed
in percents of full volume.
"Fast explosions":
Toggles the Fast explosions mode. If enabled,
the explosions disappear 2x faster, thus slightly
increasing the speed of the game.
"Show playtime":
Toggles the "clock" which displays the elapsed
play time.
"FPS counter":
Toggles the fps-counter, which tells you the fps-
rate in the bottom-left corner.
Return to the "Main menu".
"Hall of Fame":
Shows you the high scores. The game keeps high score-
tables for each difficulty level in single- and two-
players game. Use UP and DOWN arrows to switch between
different difficulty levels and sidearrows to switch
between single/two players.
This shows you the controls and the bonuses available.
You may found following bonuses while playing:
"Weapon upgrade":
Upgrades your weapon grade by 1. The maximum is 10.
"Weapon downgrade":
Decreases your weapon grade by 1.
Gives you a shield. When you have a shield, there is
a blue bubble around your ship. When the bubble
vanishes, your shield is gone.
"Random bonus":
Gives you a random bonus.
"Extra life":
Gives you an extra life. The maximum is 5.
"Quad damage":
Increases the damage caused by your weapons to 4x
for a short period. While the quad dam. is
available, you see a light blue rectangle below your
health amount.
"Extra scores":
There is three types of these: 2k, 4k and 8k.
2k gives you 2000 scores, 4k 4000, etc..
The lighter blue gives you a one energy point,
while the darker one gives you three points.
Displays you the developers of this game.
"Exit game":
Throws you back to the Windows.
System requirements 6.
The Ultimate Steroids requires a plenty of power to run
smoothly. Basically, you need a 100% OpenGL compatible 3d
card, fast processor and Windows9x/Me. Unfortunately, we
can't give you the exact requirements, but here is a
recommended system:
300+ MHz processor
32+ MB RAM
Fast, 100% OpenGL compatible 3d graphics card
Windows 98/Me
Run the configuration (CONFIG.EXE) to set the things up.
If the config doesn't provide you a enough of options,
you can open the CONFIG.INI with a text editor. This
might be necessary when you want 24bpp graphics, while
the config supports only 16- and 32bpp modes.
Troubleshooting 7.
If the game doesn't start and you've tried different
resolutions and color depths, the problem is most likely
in your OpenGL implementation. You may have bad drivers,
or your GFX cards OpenGL support is poor. You can download
latest drivers by getting GLSetup (www.glsetup.com).
The game REQUIRES a OpenGL compatible 3d accelerator card,
and if you don't have one, you can't play the game.
If you have an older 3dfx card such as Voodoo2 or
older, you can try a following trick:
Manage your way to URL http://www.3dfx.com/downloads.htm,
and download the latest Quake3 compatible drivers for your
Voodoo. Then install the drivers, copy the included 3DFXOGL.DLL
(or something similiar) to the Ultimate Steroids directory.
After this, rename the DLL to OPENGL32.DLL and try the game now.
If you have problems with the sound/music, try unchecking
the Enabled field in the config.
Btw., if you have your speakers in wrong positions (like mine),
that the left is right and vice versa, enable the
Reverse stereo option.
Credits 8.
Programming: Mika Halttunen (lsoft@mbnet.fi)
Graphics: Mika Halttunen
Design: Teemu Ruokolainen
Mika Halttunen
Following songs were shipped with game:
(used with permission of the author)
"Spiral Dream" by Leviathan.
"Point of Departure" by Necros
"Devoid of Hope" by Andreas ╓stling
"Steroids" by Teemu Ruokolainen
I'd like to thank following persons:
- Jeff "NeHe" Molofee for the best OpenGL tuts ever!
- Brett Porter for a model loading tut/code
- Shawn Hargreaves + others for Allegro
- George Foot and Robert J Ohannessian for AGL
- Guan Woo Wah for JGMOD
- Intel for JPEG library
- All you guys at the AGL mailinglist
Finally, some "technical" facts:
The Ultimate Steroids was programmed in C++ and
compiled with MSVC++. The game uses Allegro for sound,
input, timing and AllegroGL for interacting between
OpenGL and Allegro. JGMOD mod playing library is
used for mod music, and Intel JPEG library for
JPEG loading.
The models are modelled with 3ds max and exported to
MS3D with MilkShape3d. Some of the textures are mine
own, most of them came with 3ds. The backgrounds
are created/rendered with 3ds max. Texture editing,
2d artwork/backgrounds are made with Paint Shop Pro
and Photoshop.
Steroids on WWW 9.
You can obtain all future versions/patches of this game
from the Ultimate Steroids web site:
Send us feedback about the game/site -> mail to lsoft@mbnet.fi
Also, the original Steroids is available for download
from the same site.
You can visit the Dreamscape's web site too, though
there isn't any "site", just few pages:
Finally, a sad news: (or happy, your mileage may vary ;)
This is probably our last game (at least for a while)
because of that fact that my high school "career" (hahahah!)
started exactly at 13.08.2001 so I'm probably not able to
continue programming any games.
That's a bye for now on.
Enjoy the game.
- Mika Halttunen of Dreamscape